Emergency Preparedness

A comprehensive guide featuring developments, trends and technologies written by reseachers, professionals, political representatives and economic leaders to a sustainable #Energy #Food #Water future.
The second edition is out now!
“The speed on how we produce new energy production facilities is much too slow. Emergency Preparedness is key.” – Paul Rübig
Embark on a transformative journey into the future of sustainable living with “Emergency Preparedness”. This guide confronts water scarcity, food security, and energy sustainability through global resource management. Divided into three parts, it offers insights into regional perspectives, international initiatives, and innovative solutions. European Perspectives feature the opinions from the European Economic and Social Committee, providing unique insights and suggesting meaningful and concrete recommendations towards the implementation of a #BlueDeal. Global Imperatives – SDG6 outlines a roadmap for addressing water management within broader sustainability frameworks, emphasizing the crucial role of food and electricity sustainability. The section on Innovations and Implementations delves into cutting-edge technologies driving progress in water, food, and energy sustainability. “Emergency Preparedness” empowers individuals, industries, and policymakers to navigate towards a more resilient and sustainable future, inviting readers to join the dialogue and shape a secure tomorrow.
KR Ing. Mag. Dr. Paul Rübig, fMEP

Born in Wels (Upper Austria), entrepreneur and educated as an agricultural engineer in the HTL
Steyr, Business Administration JKU Linz, Dean WIFI OÖ (dual education), regional Assembly, national
Parliament, member of the European Parliament from 1996 to 2019. He is married and has two
children. In the European Parliament, Paul Rübig was a full member of the Committee on Industry,
Research and Energy, and the Committee on Budgets. In addition, he was a substitute member of
the Committee on Development and the Committee on International Trade and Co-Chair of the
Steering Group of the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO. He was Chairman of STOA (Scientific
Technology Options Assessment) – Panel for the Future of Science and Technology, an official body
of the European Parliament that is supported by external experts such as universities, scientists, or
research institutes. Three time winner of the “MEP of the Year”-Award in 2008, 2013, and 2015,
organised by the Parliament Magazine, DodsGroup. Paul Rübig is very active in the field of small
scale business promotion. He was president of SME Global, a working group of the International
Democrat Union (IDU), whose objective it is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
and to improve their business environments. In 2019 Paul Rübig was appointed to the Advisory
Board of Rübig Holding GmbH and he enjoys SDG6 related investments. In 2022 Paul Rübig was
appointed as External Advisor to the Board of Directors of Water Europe and is a member of IWA.
Member of the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Budapest,
as well as (since 2024) of the Administrative Board of ACER (EU Agency for the Cooperation of
Energy Regulators). A new KIC, in the field of Water, Marine, and Maritime Sectors and Ecosystems,
is proposed to be launched in 2026, with a call for proposals to be published in 2025. Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels. As member of the Conference on the Future of
Europe he supported an EU Competitiveness Test.

Dr. Achim Kaspar
Dr. Achim Kaspar is Member of the Board of VERBUND AG – Austria‘s leading electricity company and one of the largest producers of electricity from hydropower in Europe. He assumed the role as COO in January 2019 and is responsible for digitization as well as the VERBUND generation portfolio which includes the oversight of 130 hydropower plants.
Prior to joining VERBUND, he held various management positions in the Utility and Service Provider Industry as well as in the Austrian Telecommunication Industry. From 2008–2018 Achim Kaspar was General Manager at Cisco Austria / Slovenia / Croatia. which includes the oversight of 130 hydropower plants.
A Must-Read for Sustainability Enthusiasts
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"Emergency Preparedness" is an eye-opener for anyone concerned with sustainability on a global perspective. The book's tripartite structure offers a comprehensive approach, addressing water scarcity, food security, and energy sustainability with precision. The insights from the European Economic and Social Committee are particularly valuable, providing practical recommendations for implementing sustainable practices. This book is a treasure trove of innovative solutions and is essential for individuals, industries, and policymakers aiming for a sustainable future.
Comprehensive and Insightful
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This guide stands out for its thorough examination of global resource management. The division into regional perspectives, international initiatives, and innovative solutions ensures a well-rounded understanding of sustainability challenges and opportunities. The focus on SDG6 highlights the importance of cohesive strategies for water, food, and electricity sustainability. An essential read for anyone committed to making a meaningful impact on our planet.
Innovative Solutions and Practical Advice
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Reading "Emergency Preparedness" was an enlightening experience. The book's detailed exploration of water, food, and energy challenges is both informative and inspiring. The book highlights actionable recommendations and showcases cutting-edge technologies, therefore it is a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand what it takes to ensure a resilient and sustainable future.
Empowering and Informative
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This book addresses some of the most pressing issues of our time with unique and practical insights from the European Economic and Social Committee. A must-read for anyone passionate about building a sustainable future.
A Blueprint for Sustainable Development
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Three comprehensive sections address critical issues with expertise. The emphasis on SDG6 outlines a clear roadmap for sustainable water management, and the Innovations and Implementations section showcases the latest technologies. This book is essential for anyone committed to shaping a secure and sustainable tomorrow.